INShAck 2018 - OCR

This second web challenge from the INS’hAck 2018 CTF was pretty original:

Because creating real pwn challs was to mainstream, we decided to focus on the development of our equation solver using OCR.

INShAck 2018 - Crimemail

This is the first of the two web challenges of the INS’hAck CTF that I managed to flag this weekend. Here is its descriptions:

Byte Bandits CTF 2018 - R3M3MB3R

I also participated in the Byte Bandits CTF this weekend. This web challenge encountered somes issues and was modified a few times from what I saw, so other people might have not done it the way I have. But anyway, here’s how I did it.

volgactf 2018 - Old Government

We started by checking the link on the header and we saw that an id is passed in the url with the id of the page: page?id=36. After some tries we found that we could crash the application by passing id as an array, like that : page?id[]=36.


Here’s my solution for the DIGILANT-ADMIN challenge of the 2018 BackdoorCTF. I’m not sure wether I got the flag the intended way since there has been quite a few technical problems during the event, but here’s how I did it anyway.